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File a Report

home > Cyber Auditing Office > File a Report

Cyber Auditing Office appreciates the valuable information you
provide us with which will be used to ensure
transparent management.

Cyber Auditing Office, a department that is independent from JW, undertakes management and corruption audits.
It receives anonymous reports of bribery, corruption, or suspected violations of anti-competition laws or regulations and
takes appropriate and immediate action if detected. All reports and actions will be treated confidentially.
You may not agree to the collection and usage of personal information (name, telephone number, e-mail) and even if you choose not to agree, there will be no restrictions in filing a report (Anonymous reports are possible). However, if you do not agree, the handling of the filed report may differ depending on the matter of report.

Inquiring registration (* Required)

Inquiring registration
Inquiring registration
Option (Named, Anonymous)
Phone Number - -

Option (Open, Private)
E-mail @

Option (Open, Private)
Information on the
person to be
Attached file

attached file(txt,hwp,doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx,gif,jpg) input